Hot Tips For Happy Dogs

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My aim for this section is to share some of the great tips and knowledge that I have collected through my studies and experience, to help you and your dog get the best out of life. Knowledge is your greatest tool when it comes to dog training and understanding more about what makes your dog tick will let you see the world through their eyes - and nose! Their noses really are amazing and getting to use them is so important for dogs. It gives them a wealth of information about the world, it’s an essential part of canine enrichment and I just love how happy dogs are when they’re doing scent work (hence why I love it)! So I wanted to start this off by sharing one of my favourite videos about canine noses from one of my favourite dog people, Alexandra Horowitz. It’s 4:27 of awesome - highly recommended!

How do dogs "see" with their noses? - Alexandra Horowitz [VIDEO]